Eye Guy Treasure Hunt
Hi Three Kings Kids
I am writing to introduce myself to you. My name is Eye Guy. I am your friendly mascot for Book Week. You will probably find me on posters and other book week activities.
I am here to help you take a closer look at illustrations and pictures in books. I am really good at looking for details and finding things with my magnifying glass.
I also like playing “hide and go seek” and treasure hunts. So I have hidden 19 clues around the school that I want your class to find. To help spell out a secret message for you.
Each time you find me, I will give you a clue in the form of a coloured letter. When you find all the coloured letters and match them to the numbers on your class sheet they will reveal a secret message. The first class to find all of the clues and complete the secret message will win a prize.
1. I will be outside around in the school grounds.
2. I will not be higher than 1 metre off the ground.
3. I will be about the same size as the picture of me here– and my clue will be on the back.
4. Leave me where you find me– do not take me!
P.S You must record the letter in the correct colour, on your class sheet to be in to win.
Don’t tell your friends where you find me...because then they will tell their class and win!!