Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Book Talk Rotation - Media & Frame

When Room 9 visited Room 8 they focussed on media and frame.

Room 9: Your Mission: tell me all about your new learning and what you did to practice these features.

Book Talk Rotation - Line

On Monday and Tuesday the Kowhai syndicate classes spent some time with each of the teachers learning about the features of illustrations.

The Room 9 children took their camera to the session with the other teachers and took some pictures to show what they did and what they learnt.

Three Kings Kids: Your Mission Have a look at the photos and comment on what you know about these features.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Eye Guy Treasure Hunt

The hunt got off to a great start today. However the wind stole some of the clues...but they were soon recovered and attached.

Some people forgot that they needed to write the letter that they find, in the colour it was on the clue.

Another group of clues will be placed out and about tomorrow so keep hunting:-)

P.S Please do not remove the clues!!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Welcome to Book Week!

Hi Three Kings Kids.
Welcome to your blog for Book Week 2010.